Mrs. Johnson's ESL Pages
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....and then after the grueling fourteen-hour plane flight back, in which we leave Hong Kong around 11:00 P.M. Friday 21 March 1997, after a delay of an hour or so, we arrive in L.A. at 9 P.M. the same night. Naturally, we head straight to Puerto Escondido for Mexican food (y bebidas para calmarnos despues del viaje largo) and then I get up Saturday morning and drive the 100 miles to San Bernardino to resume teaching my Saturday classes. Not only have my students forgiven me a Saturday for a honeymoon and birthday trip to Hong Kong, they have prepared a surprise party for me on my return! Birthdays don't get any better than this. On on.
San Bernardino Valley College: English 908A Saturday Class
Home and Hearth Award of Excellence
More of Mrs. Johnson's Pages
- ...and this is just the start. You'll find lots more links once you get there! Have fun--I know I do!
- Ali Baba's Books
- Index guide to Ali Baba's Bookshop: Great books for the Teaching of Reading, Multicultural Readings, and Social Studies
- Ali Baba's Bookshop Annexe , the old shop
- books for developing literacy, arranged by level and by topic
- Ali Baba's Bookshop
- ...and did you know that Mrs. Johnson was a painter,
- Alison McMahon, Artist Extraordinaire
- Theatre of Arts ESL Classes
- I worked in this wonderful school, the oldest school of acting in Los Angeles, for 3+ years, under the direction of Valmar Oleska.
- Go ahead, ask me, did I love my job or what? I did.
- Mrs. Johnson's K/1 Class, 1997-1998
- Go ahead, ask me, did I enjoy my classes or what? I did.
- p. 2 of SBVC pages
- More 908A Photos
- Sunset on the Empire
- Begin Hong Kong Photos, March 1997
- Mrs. Johnson's Hot Links
- An ESL resource page--lots of good links to outside sources
- The Real America
- Sources and resources--lots of good ones for ESL students and curious people
- Why I Loved Living in San Bernardino
- Route 66
- Media English
- What's in the news--for ESL and Reading Students
- Grammar Police
- Noteworthy criminals plus Deputies' Hall of Fame
- Writing Links
- Designed for ESL Students and Developing Writers
- How to Write a Book Report
- Generic form for a book report: for my 910 students
- Go ahead, ask me, do I love teaching or what? I do.
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- check out this great educational web site--it's everything a district site should be...and more.
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