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I answer questions on English, Art, Metaphysics, Spanish on  Answerway, and AllExperts
Ali Baba's Bookshop
- Ali Baba's Constant Recommendations (new)
- The Old Bookshop
- Ali Baba's Must-Haves and Wishes
- You will also find some of these listed on my page, where I have listed books from my own home and classroom bookshelves, which I am thinning out.
- Ali Baba's Bookshop Annexe
- Constant Recommendations
- Book Lists from "Stone Reader: the Search for the author of The Stones of Summer"
- Books for ESL Students and Developing Readers. Also located here
- Ali Baba's Books for People looking for "something to read in English" (advanced)
- Books for Teachers
- Ali Baba's Books for Primary Students:
- my Christmas wish list for the home bookshelf
- Books for ESL students and others
- "The Real America," page 4: Road Trips
- American Culture Books (in development) The Real America, p. 4 (above) has a partial list.
Multicultural Books
- aspects of American Culture
- Books in which my work appears:
- Street Gallery
- Remembering Farley
- I am also now selling collectibles on ebay and
- Ali Baba's selections as they pertain to the images on my home page, like, for example,
- Books in which my work appears:
- Street Gallery, 1998 edition by Robin Dunitz (in which I am
- proud to say my Long Beach tile mural "Time and Tide" is described)is the most comprehensive compendium of murals in the Los Angeles Area.
From a small private publisher, it is a big book well worth the modest price ($25), with photographs, descriptions, directions, and artists' bios from WPA projects through the present.
- Remembering Farley
- is a collection of original strips revolving around Lynn Johnston's For Better or Worse dog, Farley. Throughout the book are readers' letters and their memories of family pets. I wrote a very negative letter to her after the death of Farley--and I hadn't been a fan of the strip: I got sucked in by the beautiful drawings of the dog underwater just before he drowned and felt my interest had been abused. It is a tribute to Ms. Johnston that she exerpted a very positive part of the letter for inclusion in the book. The book is available here at a much lower cost than direct from the publisher. If you're a comic fan, this one is worth adding to your collection for the lovely line work that is, incidentally, that of a woman cartoonist drawing a strip in which characters grow and age, in the tradition of Gasoline Alley.
- The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.
- The state of the art dictionary no teacher in the new millenium should be without (why? The great numbers of people we teach for whom English is a second language are helped immeasurably by the plain-speech, down to earth definitions as well as usage examples and charts which also serve to put English in perspective for the native speaker who knows how to use words but not always why it is done that way and is at a loss for an explanation.)
- Definitely no student of English should be without it.
Paperback copies available at
Hardcover copies available at
- Longman also publishes another dictionary, of Language and Culture, which is available. This one (also a paperback) is even more lavishly illustrated:
- The Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture, Paperback 3rd edition (January 13, 2000)
- The Best of Simple, by Langston Hughes
- Hughes "interviews" his black urban everyman, Jessie B. Semple, for weekly op/ed pieces in a (Chicago?) newspaper. The dialogs of Hughes, as the reporter, and Simple, as everyman, provide a vehicle for humorous commentary on the human condition, from different points of view. This book is satire
copyright Alison McMahon Johnson 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002
last updated 16 February 2003
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