Ali Baba's Books: Must-Haves
Ali Baba's Books: Must-Haves

Books for teachers has expanded and moved to its own section

This is kind of like, "What books would you take with you to a deserted island?" Things I could read over and over and get new meaning out of, would start with my King James Bible. Besides my King James Bible, A Course in Miracles, and my Complete Works of William Shakespeare, annotated, I would have a set of Anthony Burgess Books--(anything but A Clockwork Orange):
The Doctor is Ill,
You've Had Your Time (autobiography II),
Little Wilson and Big God (autobiography I),
The Long Day Wanes, A Malayan Trilogy
Earthly Powers
C.G. Jung's
Memories, Dreams, and Reflections
Psychology and Alchemy...., Bollingen Foundation
501 Spanish Verbs
A Course in Miracles
a life-saving stress buster!
The Dream of the Red Chamber,
Florence(?) and Elizabeth McHugh, transl.
***Bilingual 6 volume version***
who who who? 5 of 6 volumes done
The Raj Quartet, by Paul Scott
The Alexandria Quartet, by Lawrence Durrell
My Family and Other Animals, by Gerard Durrell
Manly P. Hall's books on metaphysics
Nathaniel West's Los Angeles novels:
The Day of the Locust, $19.95
Miss Lonelyhearts
Raymond Chandler's Books
Besides this page, personal favorites are listed on another Ali Baba Page

Books I'm always recommending....

Memories, Dreams, Reflections C.G. Jung
Psychology and Alchemy
Ralph Mayer's The Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques
Bridgeman's Drawing from Life
Bette Azar's Fundamentals of English Grammar
Alice Oshima's Writing Academic English
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

Books I've Reviewed

Click on book title to enter Amazon books and read review.
Most of these reviews were written in the summer of 1997 and I am no longer credited by more than "A Reader." How fleeting is cyberfame!
The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Long Day Wanes, A Malaylan Trilogy, Anthony Burgess
Teaching Our Children to Read: The Role of Skills in a Comprehensive Program, Bill Honig
Diners, John Baeder, $15.96
R.L. Wing's I Ching, $15.96


Elizabeth George:
In the Presence of the Enemy
Well-Schooled in Murder
Jan Willem van de Wettering
Georges Simenon
Robert van Gulik's Judge Dee Mysteries (Dee Goong An)
Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe mysteries:
Farewell, My Lovely
The Big Sleep
The Long Goodbye
The High Window
The Lady in the Lake
Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles
Chester Himes Mysteries
The Big Gold Dream

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Last updated 27 September 2002