Ali Baba's Books: AliMcJ Recommends
Ali Baba's Books: AliMcJ Recommends

odds'n'ends I'm still editing
Besides my King James Bible and my Complete Works of William Shakespeare, annotated, I would have a set of Anthony Burgess Books--(anything but A Clockwork Orange):

The Doctor is Ill,
You've Had Your Time (autobiography II),
Little Wilson and Big God (autobiography I),
The Long Day Wanes, A Malayan Trilogy
Earthly Powers
The Raj Quartet, by Paul Scott
The Alexandria Quartet, by Lawrence Durrell
My Family and Other Animals, by Gerard Durrell
Nathaniel West's Los Angeles novels:
The Day of the Locust
Miss Lonelyhearts
Raymond Chandler's Books
I think that Farewell My Lovely is my favorite; The Big Sleep is somewhat more clear as a book than the films, due to the movie censorship of the time, but it still has a rambling plot and characters who come and go. Yes, Farewell My Lovely is my all around Chandler favorite, but I never tire of reading any of them.


Elizabeth George:
In the Presence of the Enemy
Well-Schooled in Murder
Jan Willem van de Wettering
Georges Simenon
Robert van Gulik's Judge Dee Mysteries (Dee Goong An)
Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe mysteries:
Farewell, My Lovely
The Big Sleep
The Long Goodbye
The High Window
The Lady in the Lake
Raymond Chandler's Los Angeles
Chester Himes Mysteries
The Big Gold Dream

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Last updated 18 April 2004